22/22/2002 - Big Update! Lotsa new games to the registration list, updates to the guidelines including a new category - Best Short Game! The AGS Awards are approaching!

9/10/2002 - Added more games to the registration list. Also added a new category for the next Awards due to popular demand: Best Puzzles in an AGS Game.

26/9/2002 - Added a few more games to the registration list - there's a strong build-up of entries there now. Also maintained a few entries on the AGS Dictionary.

11/9/2002 - You can probably guess what topic the newspapers have been printing all day. *Shrugs* Well, I got some updates here that'll cheer at least one person up! I've updated the Registered Game List and the Dicitionary (Thanks again, Andail! You rock!). Almost three and a half months until the next AGS Awards ceremony. Remember, entries close on the 31/12/2002. Better finish your games quickly if you want to be in the running!

14/7/2002 - Updated a whole bunch of stuff: Added a whole slew of games to the registery for the next AGS Awards, changed the name of the AGS History page to AGS Dictionary plus added a heap of entries (Special thanks to Andail), and added a few entries to the tutorial page.

3/5/2002 - Updated AGS Awards page - New Games Registered!

21/4/2002 - Updated AGS Awards page, included a tutorial page and a links page. Everything should be fully operational!


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